
Gud day

Celebrate the joy of being alive ......

Yes let's celebrate our existence.......

Life is full of challenges..... Every movement counts in the joy of being alive.......... Lets' live & let others live........

Thank God that v r living comfortably....... What if v r made perfectly with all things and still v complain for something else...... There is always joy in sharing with others. 

The joy is uncountable in :

  •   Sharing our food with others.
  • Helping a person to study so that he can pass his exam.
  • Giving health tips to the people who r sick and assisting them if needed.
  • Maintaining meaningful silence when it is necessary.
  • Solving the problem instead of prolonging the fights.
  • Not wasting cooked food.........
  • Thanking others for their help.
  • Taking care of the people around us and many mooore....
Just if we are able to feed one person who only eats one meal per day that makes him really happy.

Even today there are several thousands who die of hunger, disease , drought etc.

So, lets' help them so that we can obtain eternal happiness.......... :}}

Why lowering ourselves????????

The way we treat ourselves is the way others look at us........... 

        The way we consider ourselves is the way others think about us.............

                  If we sink with low self- esteem then,others find that in us.............

    In reality no matter how rich we are, how educated we are, how poor we are, how great we are, how narrow our thoughts are......... We will remain as we are.....
                              We will be treated the way we are.......

       For others to respect us we need not be rich,powerful,mighty or live in a metro etc.......

These are not the metrics of obtaining a value (esteem). The only thing is being human.....

              Once we realize this and trust in our hidden potential nothing can stop us.......

         What will happen to the people around me if I am poor, or if my parents are not well-educated, or if they do not support luxurious living???????    ------Nothing.

After-all what the world can do in our lives????? It cannot come and set all that's wrong........
 Therefore it has no right to peep into others lives too...........

              Respect from others can be obtained only when we respect ourselves.Our thoughts, dress, behavior must be esteem(high).This does not come by/with money...... This comes by our attitude......
                                                 Hence attitude rocks !!!!!!